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FACT: Dinosaurs are super cool! If you want proof, then ask James, one of the world's future paleontologists. This bright young boy aspires to make major discoveries digging up dinosaur bones! It is easy to see this happening for him as he proudly performs above his grade level for
reading, math, and science! But James hasn't limited himself to the
pursuit of history. He wants to travel to the Amazon to experience
firsthand the fantastic animals in the jungle and the piranhas in the
rivers. James has a thirst for discovery and exploration, and his
creativity doesn't stop there.

 This is where you come in – as someone that James can share his
talents with! Whether it's working with his Legos, helping him reach
that next branch in a tree, or being his partner as he challenges you in
video games, James is waiting for you. This bright boy with a passion for
working with his hands and being outdoors wants a forever family to
share experiences. Maybe his next major discovery won't be an object
buried in the dirt but will be the love found in your home.

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